Saturday, October 4, 2008

" Dan ingatlah ketika Ibrahim berkata: ""Ya Tuhanku, perlihatkanlah padaku bagaimana Engkau menghidupkan yang mati"". Allah berfirman: ""Belum yakinkah kamu?"". Ibrahim menjawab: ""Aku telah meyakininya, akan tetapi agar tenang hatiku"". Allah berfirman: ""(Kalau demikian) ambillah empat ekor burung, lalu cingcanglah semuanya olehmu. "Lalu letakkan di atas tiap-tiap satu bukit satu bahagian dari bahagian-bahagian itu, kemudian panggillah mereka, niscaya mereka datang kepadamu dengan segera". Dan ketahuilah bahawa Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana. "

Al Baqarah ayat 260

Dari Abu Najih Al Irbadh bin Sariah radhiallahuanhu dia berkata : Rasulullah shollallohu ‘alaihi wa sallam memberikan kami nasihat yang membuat hati kami bergetar dan air mata kami bercucuran. Maka kami berkata : Ya Rasulullah, seakan-akan ini merupakan nasihat perpisahan, maka berilah kami wasiat. Rasulullah shollallohu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda : “ Saya wasiatkan kalian untuk bertakwa kepada Allah ta’ala, tunduk dan patuh kepada pemimpin kalian meskipun yang memimpin kalian adalah seorang hamba ('abd). Kerana diantara kalian yang hidup (setelah ini) akan menyaksikan banyaknya perselisihan. Maka hendaklah kalian berpegang teguh terhadap ajaranku dan ajaran Khulafaa Arrasyidin yang mendapatkan petunjuk, gigitlah(genggamlah dengan kuat) dengan geraham. Hendaklah kalian menghindari perkara yang diada-adakan(bid'ah), kerana semua perkara bid’ah adalah sesat “

(Riwayat Abu Daud dan Tirmizi, dia berkata : hadith ini hasan shahih)

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Black Metal culture banned


PUTRAJAYA: Black Metal culture has been declared as a deviation from Islamic teachings and those found practising it could be penalised under syariah law.

The National Fatwa Council ruled that Black Metal culture was totally against the syariat (Islamic principles) and could lead its followers to being murtad (apostate).

The council issued the decree after deliberating on the matter at its bi-monthly meeting yesterday.

“We discussed the issue at length to understand what Black Metal is all about and its effect on our culture,” council chairman Prof Datuk Shukor Husin told newsmen after the meeting.

“It has been established that Black Metal practices are way against the syariat and every effort must be taken to stop its spread.”

Prof Shukor said the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) was working with state religious departments to amend the syariah laws to give power to the departments to act against those engaging in Black Metal culture.

“It may take some time for the law to be enforced. In the meantime, we hope other relevant authorities would play their role in putting a stop to this culture,” he said.

Prof Shukor said although Black Metal was just a form of music, its culture often led its followers to worship Satan, to rebel, kill and incite hatred and irreligion.

Black Metal culture, he said, also influenced its followers to perform controversial rituals such as drinking one's blood mixed with goat blood and burning the Quran.

“When a Muslim burns the Quran, his action could be considered as murtad. It is our responsibility to ensure this does not happen,'' he said.

On the usage of Botulinum Toxin Type A, commercially know as botox, to maintain skin condition, Prof Dr Shukor said a more thorough study was needed.

“We understand that the substance is used for medical purposes and based on that, as of today, we stand by the principle that since it was for medical use, it is okay to use it.”

Botox, introduced two decades ago, is widely used to cure facial problems but lately its usage has broadened to include maintaining skin condition.